Wednesday 14 August 2013

First HBA Hopper

After a good while spent dealing with a hectic life that has all but precluded any development time it's great to have found chance to make a bit of progress with the air braked hoppers this week.
The very earliest version of an HBA hopper, with long link suspension and a central ladder (a feature of about the first 230 wagons) is now basically complete with the exception of LODs and carries a slightly weary all over maroon livery without any Railfreight logos as these were the exception with the maroon liveried wagons.

A while ago one of the testers commented about the lack of a label clip on the underframe of the wagons and these were duly added! While working on the models this week it struck me that an empty label clip is pretty pointless on a wagon in traffic so there are now different labels for empty and loaded version. The detail picture below shows this to effect along with some of the other detail carried by the hoppers.

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