Sorry about the quiet time folks. The pressures of a change of day job to pay the bills over the summer brought on longer hours and made what family time that was available even more valuable.
Never fear though, it's back to the other job now and there's finally modelling time available again and a full on push to get the 102t Class A bogie tank finished and out there. It's been a productive couple of days so far with some texture tweaking, remapping, baking and exporting going on to give a basis for the final textures.
What's much more exciting is that the path for the scenario to accompany the wagons has been set up and seems to work fine and has given a good excuse to run a rake of wagons from York to Tyne Yard to see how they behave. The picture above shows 6S69 0841 Masborough to Grangemouth passing Darlington (in what will eventually be December 1980), and is one of a number of screen shots grabbed during the test and available to view on our Facebook Page.
With a following wind and good luck the pack will hopefully be out by the end of the month so long as work doesn't mean to many stays away!
In other news we've started tweeting as things happen, feel free to follow the rambling @fastlinesim
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